This special edition is a supplement to the last report, which was brought out for the year 2009 in the form of a mid-term statistical appraisal of the country situation towards attaining the MDG targets.

This publication is a compilation of responses from civil society organisations to the Draft Approach Paper to the 12th Five-Year Plan.It presents a detailed critique of the Approach Paper in areas such as education, gender, youth development, land issues, water and sanitation, among others.

Chandigarh: Nearly 10 months after the Government of India’s Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojna, the Women and Child Department is finally ready to roll out the conditional maternity benefit schem

A horrifying number of 55,053 female foetuses are being aborted every year in Maharashtra after sex selection tests.

Maternal & child mortality: Few nations to achieve target

With 4 years until 2015, it is essential to monitor progress towards Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 4 and 5. Although estimates of maternal and child mortality were published in 2010, an update of estimates is timely in view of additional data sources that have become available and new methods developed. Our aim was to update previous estimates of maternal and child mortality using better data and more robust methods to provide the best available evidence for tracking progress on MDGs 4 and 5.

n 2008, 36 million people died from non-communicable diseases (NCDs). 1 By 2020, NCDs are projected to cause almost three quarters as many deaths as communicable, maternal, perinatal, and nutritional diseases, and by 2030 to exceed them as the most common causes of death. 2 On Sept 19, 2011, the UN will take an important step towards modification of the future course of NCDs at the High-level Meeting on Non-communicable Diseases.

The annual number of children who die before they reach age five is shrinking, falling to 7.6 million global deaths in 2010 from more than 12 million in 1990, UNICEF and the World Health Organisati

It is ironic that India, which is aiming to become a hub of medical tourism and boasts of world class medical facilties, cannot provide even basic midwifery services and primary health care to thou

The Pune branch of the Indian Medical Association (IMA) would soon launch a project, Sukanya, to save the girl child and spread awareness about having a healthy child, be it male or female.
