A PIL has been filed at Calcutta High Court against the ban on cycles from 174 Kolkata thoroughfares.

This first-of-its kind Citizens’ Transportation Status Report 2013 for Pune released by Parisar and Save Pune Traffic Movement (SPTM) reveals the need to increase share of public and non-motorized transport in the city.

This factsheet presents the current scenario of cycling environment in Kathmandu/Nepal, its contribution to better urban mobility, existing policies and plans for cycling infrastructures development, sharing international best practices/success stories, and recommends policies and programs to promote cycling culture in Kathmandu Valley and other the cities of Nepal.

The Bridging the Gap report on Transport NAMAs: An Overview by Anne Binsted, Benoit Lefevre, Camille Cauchois and André Eckermann gives an overview of transport NAMA feasibility studies, concepts and proposals as well as recent developments in initiatives supporting NAMAs.

Improved urban transport strategies can bring a myriad of benefits to India, from reductions in CO2 emissions to a more mobile and inclusive society, according to this new report published by the Union Ministry of Urban Development and the Institute of Urban Transport.

The Punjab and Haryana high court has directed government agencies in Haryana to work out a comprehensive mobility plan for cities, a shot in the arm for Gurgaon's Raahgiri Day movement that has pi

Traffic safety improvements are an often-overlooked benefit of sustainable transport projects and policies.

This illustrated report by UN-Habitat provides a rich collection of images of sustainable urban transport and mobility initiatives from cities around the world which are represented in the United Nations Advisory Committee of Local Authorities (UNACLA) and includes Ahmedabad from India.

The overarching objective of the parking policy is to develop parking places and organise parking activities for all types of modes of transport .The policy also aims to discourage daily usage of personalized motorized vehicles, promotion of mass transportation and use of non-motorized transport system.

Environment and forests minister Hasan Mahmud slammed Transparency International, Bangladesh for its recent investigation report on the government’s climate change trust fund utilization. Read more in this October 2013 edition of the Monthly Bangladesh State of the Environment Report published by the South Asia Environment Portal. Read and Share.
