The World Bank said it raised to almost $1 billion its financial aid package to support relief and reconstruction in typhoon-devastated areas in the central Philippines, as the toll of death and de

Delegates from more than 190 nations at the annual U.N.

The typhoon that hit the Philippines has caused crop losses worth $110 million and inflicted damage to the agriculture sector of more than twice that figure, preliminary estimates from the United N

The report warns of emerging epidemics in some countries

A significant progress has been seen in a number of countries in Asia and the Pacific in reducing new HIV infections by over 50 per cent since 2001, but the impact appears to be slowing down with overall numbers across the region remaining largely unchanged in the past five years, a latest UN report has said. It also warns of emerging epidemics in some countries, including Pakistan, Indonesia and the Philippines.

जलवायु परिवर्तन कॉन्फ्रेंसत्न भारत और फिलीपींस में तबाही का असर एक--सा, सुर अलग
समर्थन सिर्फ फिलीपींस का

पोलैंड की राजधानी वारसॉ में जलवायु परिवर्तन के मुद्दे पर चल रही यूनाइटेड नेशन्स फ्रेमवर्क कन्वेंशन फॉर क्लाइमेट चेंज (यूएनएफसीसीसी) की 19वीं कॉन्फ्रेंस अब तक बेनतीजा रही हैं, लेकिन एक बात जो उभरकर

China, the EU and environmentalists criticized Japan at U.N.

The Global Climate Risk Index 2014 has ranked Pakistan among the three most affected countries worldwide for three consecutive years by climate-related catastrophes.

WARSAW: World may be looking at India for its response to what had happened recently in Odisha and Uttarakhand due to natural disasters which were results of climatic extremes, but there was not a

This year is the seventh warmest since records began in 1850 with a trend to weather extremes and the impact of storms such as Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines aggravated by rising sea levels, the
