A soil scientist, Nkiruka Odoh, has discovered the use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF), a natural-occurring soil organism to enhance drought tolerance of yams in the face of climate change.

China aims to pass its first soil pollution law next year hoping to tackle a "serious" problem that so far lacks dedicated legislation, a senior Chinese official said on Thursday.

Phylogeny is an ecologically meaningful way to classify plants and animals, as closely related taxa frequently have similar ecological characteristics, functional traits and effects on ecosystem processes. For bacteria, however, phylogeny has been argued to be an unreliable indicator of an organism’s ecology owing to evolutionary processes more common to microbes such as gene loss and lateral gene transfer, as well as convergent evolution.

The Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils has completed the first State of the World's Soil Resources Report. Globally soil erosion was identified as the gravest threat, leading to deteriorating water quality in developed regions and to lowering of crop yields in many developing regions. We need to increase nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer use in infertile tropical and semi-tropical soils – the regions where the most food insecurity among us are found – while reducing global use of these products overall.

To provide better agriculture facilities to the farmers of the State, Punjab Government has provided 1.15 lakh Soil Health Cards to the farmers through its agriculture department.

The Fourth Session of The 12th Hubei People's Congress voted to pass "Soil Pollution Prevention and Control Regulation of Hubei Province", China's first local laws and regulations for the preventio

NPF-2007 was formed after the recommendations of a National Commission on Farmers, headed by eminent agricultural scientist M S Swaminathan

The world's soils are rapidly deteriorating due to soil erosion, nutrient depletion, loss of soil organic carbon, soil sealing and other threats, but this trend can be reversed provided countries take the lead in promoting sustainable management practices and the use of appropriate technologies, according to a new UN report released.

JAIPUR: A target which Rajasthan government could not achieve in past eight months, is now aiming to accomplish in only 20 days.

Soil erosion by water is one of the major threats to soils in the European Union, with a negative impact on ecosystem services, crop production, drinking water and carbon stocks. The European Commission's Soil Thematic Strategy has identified soil erosion as a relevant issue for the European Union, and has proposed an approach to monitor soil erosion.
