BHUBANESWAR:The Centre has asked the State Government to distribute soil health cards to farmers to increase agriculture production.

WASHINGTON – Japan and the United States on Monday signed a new pact allowing local officials to enter U.S. military bases in Japan to conduct environmental surveys.

A study reveals that the zinc levels are 15 times more than the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) standards in the soil samples collected from near river Ramganga at Moradabad,

Many areas of the Greater Tel Aviv Dan region are still suffering from soil and groundwater contamination whose source is industrial activity that took place decades ago and threatens drinking-wate

Dozens of dry cleaners may be polluting the soil and ground water in Israel due to their use of toxic materials, but the required oversight is lacking, according to a new report prepared for the Wa

Residents in a village in China do not eat the crops they grow nor drink their local water as their soil and groundwater have been severely polluted by chemical plants nearby.

This publication provides one of the most comprehensive insights into the organisations and initiatives working to build resilience in agriculture in Kenya.

HSBC says a Chinese environmental ministry official indicated Soil Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan (Soil Ten Rules) may be released in 2H15 with total investment of over 5.7 trln yuan

Mountain soils are the fragile foundations of ecosystems that ultimately provide water for more than half the world's population.

Judgement of the National Green Tribunal (Principal Bench, New Delhi) in the matter of Rajeev Suri Vs. Ministry of Urban Development dated 28/05/2015 regarding ban on the work of redevelopment of the existing Central Government Housing project, Kidwai Nagar (East) New Delhi, particularly, on the work of digging deep basements in course of such redevelopment on the ground that such work causes damage to the environment within the meaning of Section 2(a) of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and virtually amounts to soil mining without obtaining necessary clearances.
