While Minister of State for Environment Prakash Javadekar on Wednesday reiterated that there was no role for any external review of targets that each country set for itself to cut carbon emissions,

Better protecting the world's fast-disappearing mangroves could have big economic, social and environmental benefits, experts said at the U.N. climate talks in Lima this week.

The IPCC Guidelines propose 3 Tier levels for greenhouse gas monitoring within the forest land category with a hierarchical order in terms of accuracy, data requirements and complexity. Due to missing data and/or capacities, many developing countries, potentially interested in the reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation scheme, have to rely on Tier 1 default values with highest uncertainties. A possible way to increase the credibility of uncertain estimates is to apply a conservative approach, for which standard statistical information is needed.

The climate talks in Lima are proving to be so difficult because the issue before the negotiators is whether the Climate Treaty of 1992 needs to be tweaked to take into account the changed context, or whether a new treaty is needed.

This first UNEP Adaptation Gap Report provides a framework for defining adaptation gaps and a preliminary assessment of the gap between adaptation needs and reality.

‘There is a conflict of interest between the Central Government and various States and because of this an important plan like the NAPCC has failed to get implemented in its true letter and spirit’

LIMA: Amid hope to seal the climate deal in Paris next year, crucial negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) kicked off in the Peruvian capital on Mond

The negotiating platforms at Peru: Different bodies are mandated to negotiate for different elements under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

The Reference Document is divided into 9 chapters starting with an introduction and overview of the subject, moving on gradually and logically to required policy framework to support REDD+ implementation as part of the forest management in the country.

THE Federal Executive Council (FEC) yesterday okayed the award of contract for the provision of engineering infrastructure to the Kyami District, Zone C, Abuja to the tune of N60.8 billion.
