Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar today hoped that the upcoming Budget will give a clear indication as to how India would "walk the talk" on climate issues while negotiating a deal on emission

This document outlines one component of India’s INDC submission to the UNFCCC focussing on the renewable energy contribution to its future electricity mix. So far, the
Government of India has articulated solar targets for renewable energy, which therefore deserves careful analysis.

This paper analyses the effect of different emission metrics and metric values on timing and costs of greenhouse gas mitigation in least-cost emission pathways aimed at a forcing level of 3.5 W m−2 in 2100. Such an assessment is currently relevant in view of UNFCCC's decision to replace the values currently used. An emission metric determines the relative weights of non-CO2 greenhouse gases in obtaining CO2-equivalent emissions.

Governments need research and guidelines to help them to move towns and villages threatened by global warming, argue David López-Carr and Jessica Marter-Kenyon.

The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) has been registered as the world's first transport sector project under the Programme of Activities (PoA) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Clima

KOLKATA: Union environment ministry has asked the coal ministry not to auction coal blocks in inviolate areas, a senior officer said here today.

Lima witnessed the end game of a 20 year old negotiation around doing away with differentiation between countries at different levels of development and the beginning of negotiations on a global pact for sharing the carbon budget. It is all about geopolitics, not about the global environment.

Transparent, consistent, and accurate national forest monitoring is required for successful implementation of reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) programs. Collecting baseline information on forest extent and rates of forest loss is a first step for national forest monitoring in support of REDD+. Peru, with the second largest extent of Amazon basin rainforest, has made significant progress in advancing its forest monitoring capabilities.

Over a day behind schedule, the world set the stage for a new climate treaty by agreeing to the Lima Call for Climate Action on Sunday, which was slammed by NGOs and people’s movements.

In 2014 the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action undertook technical expert meetings on renewable energy, energy efficiency, land-use change and forestry (including REDD-plus), urban environments, carbon dioxide capture use and storage and non CO2 greenhouse gases.
