Aquatic vegetation is generally considered as nuisance plant communities which cause hindrance to aquaculture practice, resulting in the loss of aquaculture yields. Despite all these disadvantages, the importance of freshwater vegetation and their resources to human welfare can not be neglected rather invites attention too.

a landfill in the East Kolkata wetland area has emerged as a treasure trove of useful microbes that could be tapped for various biotechnological purposes. Researchers from the Dr B C Guha

eu dumping rules: On June 12, European Union (EU) laid down rules to check illegal dumping of hazardous materials in developing countries. An update of 1993 EU regulations, the new rules require

In India, wetlands are distributed in all the biogeographic regions and exhibit significant ecological diversity, primarily because of the variability in climate, geology, habitat and topography.

Climate Change Impacts on Freshwater Ecosystems in the Himalayas (CCIFEH) Programme is a joint initiative of WWF-India and WWF Nepal, funded by WWF-The Netherlands.

Lake Oussudu, which is the largest wetland in the Union Territory of Pondicherry, is one of the most important bird sanctuaries in India. Apart from being an important water resource and a heritage site, Oussudu watershed also caters to the other needs of the people living around the lake; notably fishing, grazing of the domestic livestock and harvesting of reeds.

Poor management of irrigation water and inadequate drainage system in plains have made vast tracts of agricultural land unproductive due to waterlogging and high moisture content. Integrated development of such waterlogged ecosystem has been taken up under NWDPRA (National Watershed Develpoment Project for Rainfed Areas) with the twin objectives of sustainable production of food, fruit, fuel and bio-mass and restoration of ecological balances with the watershed.

heavy metals are seeping into Kolkata's groundwater from Dhapa, its waste dumping ground on the eastern fringe of the city. A study has found traces of chromium, zinc, cadmium and copper in areas

The Kabartal wetland situated in the upper Indo-Gangetic flood plains in northern India is significant because of its hydrological and ecological services, and the socio-economic and cultural values that it represents. Despite being designated as a wildlife sanctuary, this wetland is under threat from anthropogenic pressures.

function open_new_popwin() {'photo/photo_gallery.htm','','height=570,width=550,scrollbars=yes'); newwd.moveTo(250,75); } Clipped Wings In Uttar
