This base working paper on the strategy and action plan for ensuring safety of milk and milk products covers three goals: Assessment of food legislation at national level

The recommendations in this document address pending decisions and petitions currently before federal agencies responsible for regulating pesticides and promoting alternatives, and offer suggestions for immediate directional shifts needed to develop America

The Sundarbans of India and Bangladesh is the only mangrove in the world where tigers still live. The Sundarbans has been under various forms of management for about 2,000 years, and is classified as a Tiger Conservation Landscape of Global Priority. Little is known about the Sundarbans tigers, which are threatened by habitat destruction, prey depletion, and direct tiger loss.

This publication not only summarizes the good practices and lessons learned from the project countries but also highlights the task ahead to up-scale from model projects to countrywide activities on school safety.

This publication not only summarizes the good practices and lessons learned from the project countries but also highlights the task ahead to up-scale from model projects to countrywide activities on school safety.

There is common understanding that energy efficiency is a crucial piece of the puzzle to control climate disruption within the required timeframe, as well as to combine vital environmental and economic returns while increasing energy security. Yet investments towards energy efficiency appear to be lagging behind the actual development of financially viable technologies.

This study of residential and transport sectoral energy use in India is part of a larger effort at LBNL to provide analysis of energy use patterns at the level of sub-sectors and end uses for all sectors. There are two motivations for this effort.

This study of residential and transport sectoral energy use in India is part of a larger effort at LBNL to provide analysis of energy use patterns at the level of sub-sectors and end uses for all sectors. There are two motivations for this effort.

Lakes and reservoirs are the world

Before a post-Kyoto accord considering all aspects of countries emissions, a first step may be necessary to prepare Chinese and Indian businesses to new economic conditions internalizing the constraints of climate change. Carbon markets serve as a
