Dust is all that's needed to plunge the world into an ice age. When blown into the sea, the iron it contains can fertilise plankton growth on a scale large enough to cause global temperatures to drop. The finding adds support to the idea of staving off climate change by simulating the effects of dust - perhaps by sprinkling the oceans with iron filings.

The carbon tax is unlikely to change the country's status as the largest per-capita emitter of greenhouse gases in the developed world.

Most products sourced from tropical timber destroy the forest – and a sustainability logo may not be a reliable guide for your green conscience. While a report this week celebrates a 50 per cent increase in the area of tropical forests that are sustainably managed, other studies suggest this assessment is open to question.

The United Nations says there could be 10 billion people on Earth by the end of the century. Fred Pearce finds problems in its analysis.

As well is supporting a million local people the inner Niger delta is home to a wealth of wildlife – including many of Europe's migratory birds.

The idea that you can save the natural world by increasing the efficiency of agriculture is very appealing. This writer is far from convinced

There were tears, standing ovations and sheer relief after 12 days of frenetic negotiations. As the sun rose over Canc

The "triumph" of Cancún's climate negotiations may be largely diplomatic, but the foundations for a new, low-carbon world are already being laid regardless.

The agreement at the UN Convention on Biodiversity appeared to outlaw geoengineering

International climate negotiators may be on the brink of abandoning emissions targets aimed at limiting warming to 2
