tlantic bluefin tuna could be the first widely eaten species to be banned from being traded internationally. Would it work, and would it set a useful precedent for other species?

Its short lifespan and greater potency means tackling methane emissions now could have a dramatic effect on atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations.

Aid agencies are well resourced and quick to act, but not enough of them appear to be using their power to tackle the long term problems posed by climate change. Aid agencies are first on the scene of many of the world's trouble spots, and often play a huge role in helping communities get back on their feet.

Attempts to halt and reverse a decade of worsening air quality in London are being held up by political indecision. After steady rises in air quality up until the turn of the century, London should be well on the way to tackling one of the most serious public health concerns today.

Well-publicised simple steps like using energy-saving light bulbs may be making it more difficult to prepare people for the bigger changes needed to tackle climate change, argue psychologists.

Hostile police tactics at the Kingsnorth and G20 camps has not put protesters off as climate camp goes global.

The findings from the FSA's organic food review have added little to our knowledge but left consumers short-changed on real benefits of organic food.

Giant wind farms may grab the headlines but plans to develop local off-grid electricity will have bigger impact on Africans and carbon emissions.

As Japan's Fukushima disaster unfolds, the EU is financing a controversial nuclear

Environment Agency finds Monsanto, BP and Veolia liable for clean up after thousand
