This report presents analyses of data on patients critically ill with confirmed COVID-19 reported to ICNARC up to 4pm on 16 April 2020 from critical care units participating in the Case Mix Programme (the national clinical audit covering all NHS adult, general intensive care and combined intensive care/high dependency units in England, Wales and

Effective monitoring of deforestation and cropland expansion in Africa requires reliable estimates of land cover area. However, continental scale land cover datasets generated solely or partially through remote sensing technologies show large differences in the extent and spatial distribution of forest and cropland.

Karachi, a city of around 20 million people, is facing a crisis of governance that is reflected in the poor state of service delivery, and unplanned and unsustainable urbanisation. The city’s development shortcomings, and attendant social, economic and environmental challenges, have created vulnerabilities at different scales that are

Urbanisation offers substantial opportunities to reduce poverty, in part because it is more cost-effective to meet many basic needs in cities than in rural areas. This paper demonstrates that providing electricity to the 200 million urban residents who currently lack access would require only US$1.37 billion per year to 2045.

Children in Africa will on current trends account for 43% of global poverty by 2030, almost double the current share, due to a combination of demographic change, deep poverty and extreme inequality, warns a new report from the Overseas Development Institute.

Although conservation interventions aim to protect biological and cultural diversity, they can affect communities in a number of ways. The vast body of international law, norms and standards protecting human rights offers little rights-based, practical guidance for conservation initiatives.

Air pollution is a huge and growing public health problem for the UK, and for London in particular.

Commissioned through DFID’s Bangladesh learning hub grant and the Climate and Development Knowledge Network’s ‘Building readiness of the private sector in Bangladesh for GCF accreditation’ project, this toolkit provides basic facts about the GCF and information on how to access it, engage with it through the Private Sector Facility (PSF) and the

Launching on 14 June 2016, the Montpellier Panel briefing paper ‘Set for success: Climate-proofing the Malabo declaration’ explores the climate change-related targets set out by the Malabo Declaration, which was adopted in 2014 with the aim to improve nutrition and food security across Africa, and to increase agricultural productivity by 2025 wh

Launching on 14 June 2016, the Montpellier Panel briefing paper ‘Set for success: Climate-proofing the Malabo declaration’ explores the climate change-related targets set out by the Malabo Declaration, which was adopted in 2014 with the aim to improve nutrition and food security across Africa, and to increase agricultural productivity by 2025 wh
