The High-Level Dialogue between India and the EU met in Delhi on 3-4 February alongside the Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS) under the joint chairmanship of Nitin Desai and Sir Crispin Tickell.

The High-Level Dialogue between India and the EU met in Delhi on 3-4 February alongside the Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS) under the joint chairmanship of Nitin Desai and Sir Crispin Tickell.

A new report commissioned by the Heinrich Boell Foundation and written by the UK's Institute for Public Policy Research focussing on fair sharing of climate finance commitments.

This report highlights the arguments necessary to showcase the adaptive potential of pastoralism to climate change and to promote investment in pastoral areas in East Africa.

The need for developing countries to address issues of adapting to and mitigating climate change is both urgent and evident, as the impact of climate change grows daily. Yet they have competing immediate development and poverty reduction expenditure demands, and have recently been faced with food, fuel and financial crises.

Rising sea levels, shifting rainfall and other impacts of climate change present a huge risk to some of the world

This case study is part of the ODI HPG research programme on the role of the affected state in humanitarian action and aims to describe the essential elements of approach to disaster management as seen in its response to the 2001 Gujarat earthquake and the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. It also analyses policy trends in Disaster Management Act.

In rural Africa,

This report seeks to examine the merits of a range of different policies that offer the prospect of CO2 emissions reduction from road transport. In particular it considers the role of policies that target the

Deforestation accounts for roughly 17 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions. So it is no surprise that in the runup to the December 2009 climate talks in Copenhagen, REDD
