This paper outlines the climate-conflict interlinkages and the challenges involved in responding to their combined challenge. Establishing the overall goal of international policy on adaptation as helping people in developing countries adapt successfully to climate change even where there is state fragility or conflict risk, the paper makes and explains eight specific policy recommendations.

This paper makes an attempt to enquire into the politics of state-business relations, how it has affected industrial development in general, and expansion of the manufacturing sector in the State of Andhra Pradesh (AP) in particular.

This book considers how gender issues are entwined with people

IBM and Acclimatise have joined forces to release the third report in a landmark adaptation series. This report is based on the responses from Global Oil & Gas companies to the Carbon Disclosure Project 2008.

It has been shown that long-term growth and development across countries is driven to a large extent by productivity growth. Several studies exist that have attempted to examine the effect of different factors influencing productivity growth using industries or firms as units of analysis.

This report reveals that if all UK farmland was converted to organic farming, at least 3.2 million tonnes of carbon would be taken up by the soil each year - the equivalent of taking nearly 1 million cars off the road.

Climate change greatly increases the risk that the most basic rights of children in poor countries will not be met. These children are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of global warming and yet least to blame. Save the Children

The Overseas Development Institute has reviewed the low carbon growth and climate change response strategies of a range of countries with differing economic characteristics to draw out the policy implications for developing countries at different stages of development.

Effective state-business relations are a set of highly institutionalised, responsive and public interactions between the state and the business sector. This paper examines the

Globally, 1.7 billion farmers are highly vulnerable to climate change impacts. The many who are already hungry are particularly vulnerable. Yet scaling up localised
