The people of Tajikistan, a small, mountainous country in Central Asia, are experiencing the impacts of climate change. More frequent droughts and heightened extreme weather

This paper uses the EPO/OECD World Patent Statistical Database (PATSTAT) to provide a quantitative description of the geographic distribution of inventions in thirteen climate mitigation technologies since 1978 and their international

The impact of climate change will impose new costs on developing country exporters, especially if markets do not work correctly and international agreements are not well designed. If the costs of carbon emissions are priced correctly, then markets could ensure that emissions are reduced in the most efficient ways.

Industrial biofuels

This report includes 14 case studies from different countries around the world. They provide compelling evidence of the roles that ecosystems play in climate change adaptation through protecting the natural resource base, providing alternative livelihood options, and maintaining resilience to future climate

This paper considers how environmental policies should respond to macroeconomic downturns. It first explores the implications of the global economic downturn of 2008-09 for environmental policies, focusing in particular on the example of action against climate change.

Climate change is expected to affect the capacity and operations of existing water and sanitation infrastructure and services.

This paper makes an attempt to assess the water sector under scarcity conditions in the State of Rajasthan. It adopts the criteria of physical, economic, financial and equity performance across sub-sectors. The assessment brought out clearly that no indicator has shown satisfactory performance in any of the sub-sectors.

This analytical review of the disaster risk reduction scenarios in South Asia says that there is no development which is risk neutral. It either increases the risk or reduces the risk. Provides a performance audit on institutional mechanisms, policies and practices of different countries to bring out gaps and best practices.

US president addresses the UNFCCC Climate summit on 18th Dec 2009 i.e., on the final day of the talks.

He believes that it's time for the nations and people of the world to come together behind a common purpose. And must choose action over inaction; the future over the past and meet responsibility to the people, and to the future of the planet.
