Agricultural mechanization in Africa south of the Sahara — especially for small farms and businesses — requires a new paradigm to meet the needs of the continent’s evolving farming systems. Can Asia, with its recent success in adopting mechanization, offer a model for Africa?

Globally, there were 809.9 million undernourished people, of which 194.4 million people (24 per cent) were in India in 2016-18. India had around 30.9 per cent (46 millions) of the world’s stunted children under five years of age and 50.9 per cent (25.2 million) of the world’s wasted children in 2016-18 (FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO, 2019).

This Practical Handbook is directed to Members of Parliament and Parliamentary Advisors, who are considered “change agents”.

This study quantifies the magnitude of water that could be reallocated from irrigation to other sectors in India without compromising agricultural output. It also recommends a pathway for India’s reallocation strategy.

Sulawesi is an important island for primates. All 17 species that are found there are endemics. The island also includes contact zones between species of macaques (genus Macaca) where hybrids may arise. Sulawesi continues to be deforested, especially in the lowlands most suitable for estate crops and other agricultural products.

Despite increasing popularity of farmer-led irrigation in Ethiopia, little is known about socio-economics of farmers who receive public support in accelerating its expansion. Investigate this question by combining spatial land suitability for groundwater-and solar irrigation with pre-existing socio-economic data.

Wealth Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services (WAVES) is a global partnership that uses natural capital accounting to mainstream naturalcapital considerations into economic policy.

Low-emission development (LED) is becoming an increasingly important reference point for guiding and evaluating agricultural interventions. In the dairy sector, LED effectively is pursued through standard intensification practices, which reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emission intensities.

More than three billion people live in agricultural areas with high to very high levels of water shortages and scarcity, and almost half of them face severe constraints.

The paper examines the impact of sectoral transformation in agriculture on sustainable development in North and Central Asia. It discusses trends and developments of agriculture and structural transformation, as well as its effects on sustainable development in the subregion.
