The present study deals with the impact of agriculture crop residue burning on aerosol properties during October 206 and 2007 over Punjab state, India using ground based measurements and multi-satellite data.

Priti Narayan

They were installed at a cost of Rs. 8.2 lakh each in 2002-03

The supply of sustainable energy is one of the main challenges that mankind will face over the coming decades, particularly because of the need to address climate change. Biomass can make a substantial contribution to supplying future energy demand in a sustainable way.

Three activities

The Renewable Energy for Rural Livelihoods (RERL) project tries to demonstrate the use of renewable sources of energy in reducing poverty through improved quality of life and increased livelihood opportunities in remote, non-electrified villages of India that are not likely to get electricity from the grid.

The Renewable Energy for Rural Livelihoods (RERL) project tries to demonstrate the use of renewable sources of energy in reducing poverty through improved quality of life and increased livelihood opportunities in remote, non-electrified villages of India that are not likely to get electricity from the grid.

This book provides relevant information on the significant opportunities that bio-carbon can offer to Eastern and Southern Africa countries to participate in the carbon market, it compiles eleven papers relating specific aspects of the bio-carbon sector.

In this study, we have used multi-satellite data to retrieve aerosol loadings and carbon monoxide (CO) pollution over the Arabian Sea, caused due to anthropogenic activities over the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) in India. Relatively high aerosol and CO loadings during 9

India has been arguing that it (and the rest of the developing world) should incur no expense in controlling emissions that cause climate change.

Atmospheric aerosols (a mixture of solid or liquid particles suspended in the air medium) are short-lived, with a residence time of about a week in the lower troposphere. Unlike the principal greenhouse gases, aerosols are more concentrated in the source regions and exhibit strong spatial and temporal variations.
