The domino effect of bad policy-making and its fallout

Soils are a very slow renewable resource. To reclaim them requires, above all, a long-term plan. With falling productivity, the realisation has sunk in that soils cannot be blindly mined, and that

Perseverance pays. With the Malaysian government deciding to ban the herbicide paraquat, a long-standing campaign of environmental pressure groups has finally proved successful. Earlier, a wave of

A hard look at the implications of expensive seeds and technology on farmers, especially those in the third world

Organic farming has many advantages over other farming methods, proves a 21 year long study

Controversy dogs Bt cotton clearance as debate over transgenics continues

West blames rising nitrous oxide levels for future depletion of northern mid latitude ozone

Despite environmental pressure against the use of chemical fertilisers, the deadly substances continue to be used unabated across the globe. At the end of the 20th century an average of 91 kgs of

Will a right environment be created by the budget this year?

in an attempt to assist organic farmers, the Union government is intending to clamp one per cent tax on chemical
