In Dhala, farmers have been blending traditional and

This report describes the way co-inquirers are working together in the drylands of the south Indian state of Andhra Pradesh to produce social and ecological knowledge for sustainability and equity. Their collective and empowering experience is vividly
captured in the videos which make up the Affirming Life and Diversity film series included in this report.

In the drier areas of southern Africa, farmers experience drought once every two to three years. Relief agencies have traditionally responded to the resulting famines by providing farmers with enough seed and inorganic fertilizer to enable them to re-establish their cropping enterprises. However, because of the lack of appropriate land and crop management interventions, vulnerable farmers are not necessarily able to translate these relief investments in seeds and fertilizer into sustained gains in
productivity and incomes.


Water as a natural resource has been subject to so much misuse and abuse. As a result today there is an acute shortage of water.

Cereals are by far the most important source of food throughout the world, either directly for human consumption or indirectly in the form of animal feed for livestock products consumed as food. With world population set to rise to nine billion by 2050, there is an urgent need to examine ways to increase cereal production.

India has history of programmes for conservation of soil and water resources by adopting in situ moisture conservation and increased irrigation through tank and aquifer based water harvesting. This article gives an indication of the potential of the watershed programme.

Food security has become incresingly important globally as well as at domestic front as the global foodgrain production is not keeping pace with increasing population.

The rainfed areas play an important role in providing livelihood to a large segment of population. An insight into the rainfed areas of the country presents a grim picture of water scarcity, fragile ecosystems and land degradation due to soil erosion by water and wind.

Importance of food management and maintaining food security the world over has been abundantly recognized since long. India plays a very important role by its contribution in world's food production, accounts for more than 10 percent of total world's foodgrain production.

Agricultural water management (AWM) is generally perceived as a key step towards improving low yielding smallholder farming systems in sub-Sahara Africa, South Asia and Latin America. This paper aims to give a first overview of
