climate change is the biggest story of the 21st century. But its sheer complexity is defeating us. For the past 16 years

Despite incontrovertible and mounting evidence, the rich world does not take the threat of climate change seriously. It is high on rhetoric but low on action. Industrialized countries have created the problem of excessive and dangerous emissions.

What are India's greenhouse gas emissions? The only estimate of India's inventory comes from the government's 2004 national communication to the un Framework Convention on Climate Change (unfccc). Unfortunately, this data pertains to 1994, the year after the country ratified the convention. The government is currently working on its next communication, which has to be submitted in the coming years.

Climate is reaching its

Ata-Ul-Haq is CEO of Green Technology Environmental Corporation, which set up Pakistan's first mega composting plant in Lahore in 2006. He tells Arnab Pratim Dutta that the model adopted for the

It seems that industry in Europe cannot count on the European Commi

More than 100 mayors of us cities congregated at Seattle on November 1-2 as part of a climate protection campaign. They sought an 80 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas (ghg) emissions by 2050,

Wrapping up an environmental policy conference in the last week of October, president of France Nicolas Sarkozy announced a

In 2006, Nicholas Stern former chief economist, World Bank and advisor to the UK government, wrote about the economic threat from climate change in the Stern Report. He veers round to an uneasy

Greenpeace activists took over the Kingsnorth power station in Kent, the UK, on October 8, in a protest aimed at stopping Prime Minister Gordon Brown from approving the country's first coal plant in
