The National Strategy and Action Plan for Low Carbon Development was prepared to enable Bhutan to fulfill its commitment of remaining carbon neutral. In other words, it will help in ensuring that national emissions of greenhouse gasses (GHG) remain less than the national sequestration capacity.

Cities around the world have identified the economic benefits from tackling the effects of climate change, according to this new report released by the CDP. It is based on the carbon & water strategies & actions disclosed to CDP by 73 cities spanning the globe.

The Central Environment Authority (CEA) will function as the regional centre for emission inventories.

This Protocol provides requirements and guidance for cities on preparing and publicly reporting a GHG emission inventory. The primary goal is to provide a standardized step-by-step approach to help cities quantify their GHG emissions in order to manage and reduce their GHG impacts.

India is a Party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Government of India attaches great importance to climate change issues.

The United States EPA is proposing new source performance standards for emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) for new affected fossil fuel-fired electric utility generating units (EGUs).

The Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GPC) is a multi-stakeholder, consensus-based protocol for developing internationally recognized and accepted community-scale greenhouse gas accounting and reporting standards.

This paper present results of a bottom-up emissions inventory, an analysis of source-receptor relationships for PM10 and PM 2.5 for residential and industrial areas in Delhi NCR, and implications of sector based interventions on air pollution control policy.

Accelerating growth in the transport sector, a booming construction industry, and a growing industrial sector are responsible for worsening air pollution in Indian cities.

Agriculture production in different regions is facing complex challenges such as the impact of climate variability and change, land degradation, increased competition for water, increasing labor and input costs, and loss of carbon stocks in agricultural lands.
