Using a unique city-level panel on the daily air pollution index (API) and fine-scale meteorological data from 2009 to 2013 in China, examine the existence and the magnitude of spatial spillover effects of urban air pollution in Chinese cities.

The most comprehensive analysis to date on U.S. power plant air pollution emissions shows that most of the nation’s largest electric utilities have seen significant reductions in global warming pollution in recent years.

This document is the annual European Union (EU) emission inventory report to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP).

Black carbon is the second largest contributor to human-induced climate warming, after carbon dioxide. International shipping is a major source of diesel black carbon emissions and not yet subject to international regulation.

Australia’s emissions projections 2014-15 explains how Australia’s abatement task has changed since Australia’s Abatement Task and 2013 Emissions Projections. This report indicates the amount of emissions reductions required to achieve Australia’s 2020 target of 5 per cent below 2000 levels is less than previous estimates.

A new report examines the options for assessment and review of Parties’ contributions to ensure they are aligned with mutually agreed goals and principles, ensure transparency, and raise ambition over time.

China is aggressively pursuing the development of low-carbon economic zones, and while there has been substantial work to define targets and indicators for achieving greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions, there is now a need to provide guidance and tools to help the zones transition.

The UNFCCC Secretariat has released a handbook outlining the key concepts, elements and requirements of the international climate change measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) framework. The handbook is intended to help developing countries efficiently and effectively implement the MRV framework.

The UN's report on System-wide progress in implementing the UN's Climate Neutral Strategy. This year's report includes the greenhouse gas emissions for 64 organisations in 2013, as well as a breakdown of emissions by source.

Marine vessels are a large source of greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions, including CO2, NOX, SOX, particulate matter and black carbon, which impact local air quality, human health, and the global climate.
