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This paper reviews 41 National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs) submitted by Least Developed Countries (LDCs) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and identifies the range of interventions included in countries

Monsoon this year has failed most of India, causing drought in even well-irrigated and rainfed areas. Read this latest Down To Earth report on how our food preferences are making us vulnerable to drought.

Norman Borlaug, the father of the "Green Revolution" who died on Saturday in Texas aged 95, is widely credited with saving more than a billion lives by breeding wheat, rice and other crops that brought agricultural self-sufficiency to developing countries around the world.

food security Ethiopia defends land grab Ethiopia, where 20 per cent of the people are in urgent need of food aid, defended its plan to offer 2.7 million hectares (ha) cultivable land to foreign companies.


Producing food simply to dump it is a waste of land, water, energy required for growing, processing and transporting it. Tristram Stuart,author of the recently published book, Waste, Uncovering the Food Scandal, shows how the way we live has created a global food crisis and how simple it would be to fix it. Kaushik Das Gupta spoke to him over phone. Excerpts On the enormity of the problem

Government says enough grain stock, farmers go hungry Budhi Rikisyan sat in her house making leaf plates for the last rites of her granddaughter, Mantawa. Unable to suppress hunger pangs, the 12-year-old girl plucked surbari leaves from the field and ate them in early August. After five days she was suffering from acute dysentery. She convulsed a few times and then died. Surbari, a weed,

short of food: Asia could face chronic food shortage if the region fails to improve irrigation management, a UN report said. A joint report of the UN

Borlaug Showed India The Way To Overcome Food Shortage

New Delhi: Long before Mr Bush and Dr Rice came by to leapfrog US-India ties to a new level, it was Prof Wheat who jumpstarted and nourished the relationship. Norman Borlaug, the genial scientist-pacifist who died of cancer in Dallas on Saturday, was as much India

In a move that is bound to trigger angry reactions from the states, the Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) has decided that the estimation of the Below Poverty Line (BPL) numbers by the government would be considered final for the proposed National Food Security Act (NFSA), thereby nipping in the bud the problem of various estimates put forth by different committees.
