
The Grameen Bank

Andy Bichlbaum and Mike Bonanno (not their real names) are the frontmen for the Yes Men. They got together to set up parody websites such as and graduated to huge anti-corporate, culture-jamming stunts targeting giants such as ExxonMobil and Dow Chemical. Their latest film, The Yes Men Fix the World, is showing now all over the UK and in the US later in October.

India perhaps has the highest retail density in the world. Economies of scale drive the retail sector towards rapid growth in terms of size of outlets and dominance in geographical and product markets, posing challenges for preservation of genuine competition.

The World Development Report, a flagship report of the World Bank, is a document written by economists who treat politics as an inconvenient reality, though it is a thoroughly political document. The 2009 edition of the WDR, Reshaping Economic Geography, is critically discussed here, first, from a geographical disciplinary perspective.

Indigenous peoples worldwide lead sustainable livelihoods that contribute to the sequestration of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and cause the least amount of damage to the environment. Adivasi Women

The Lives of Ants by Laurent Keller and Elisabeth Gordon,Oxford University Press, USA, $28 Since time immemorial, ants have captivated human beings. With numerous black-and-white images and eight pages of colour plates, the book depicts a world full of surprises, one which, even after decades of observation, is still replete with unsolved mysteries. Unfreedom and Waged Work:

In recent decades, the Arctic has undergone major environmental, socio-economic and political changes. The rapid loss of Arctic ice is having negative consequences on northern communities and lifestyles, on iconic species such as the polar bear, and is altering the ecology of the Arctic ocean and the permafrost lands.

In light of the impact invasive alien species have, the Convention on Biological Diversity recognizes the importance of preventing the introduction of, and controlling or eradicating alien species which threaten ecosystems, habitats and native species. This brochure highlights the threat invasive alien species pose to biodiversity and what each of us can do to tackle the problem.

London: The World Bank announced a $50 billion programme on Tuesday to counter a decline in global trade and Britain called on G20 leaders to supply

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