
This study of the performance of agriculture at the state level in India during the post-reform period (1990-93 to 2003-06) and the immediate pre-reform period (1980-83 to 1990-93) shows that the post-reform period has been characterised by deceleration in the growth rate of crop yields as well as total agricultural output in most states.

This article presents an analysis of the material history of Australia in the period 1975

The Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) of the IPCC has given a warning to the global community about the consequences of global warming and climate change resulting from burning of fossil fuels during the last 150 to 200 years. This is also a growing concern in the agenda for trade negotiations, international trade contributes to economic growth and benefits participating countries.

Studies on internal migration are constrained by the fact that no international organisation systematically collects or tabulates even the basic demographic information on internal migration in a cross-sectionally and temporally comparable manner. Researchers have surprisingly concluded that internal migration within Asian countries is high and increasing over time.

This study demonstrates that the imminent danger of climate change necessitates fundamental reforms in world trade regulation. The decades old aim of liberalising trade between countries and creating a free world market runs counter to climate protection. What used to be controversially debated has now been empirically proven: the expansion of markets and

The article explores the link between international economic integration and technological capability in colonial India. The example of the iron industry shows that many new ideas and skills flowed into India from Europe, but not all met with commercial success. The essay suggests a reason why.

Although many millions of people have exited poverty in recent decades, much of the reduction in poverty has benefited people living close to the poverty line rather than those at the very bottom of the income distribution. This book is not focused on poverty per se but rather is focused on looking particularly at those most deprived in society.

Planning Sustainable Cities reviews recent urban planning practices and approaches, discusses constraints and conflicts therein, and identifies innovative approaches that are more responsive to current challenges of urbanization.

This essay contends that the economic liberalization, privatization and globalization (LPG) model of development in India is virtually depriving the tribal people and other agriculture dependent poor people of their traditional means of sustainable livelihood by promoting the unregulated growth of mineral-based industries in the tribal regions of India.

PRIME Minister Manmohan Singh has identified sustained financing of growth, thwarting of protectionism by way of early conclusion of the Doha round of trade talks, and institutionalisation of a larger role for developing countries like India in the management of the global economy as the principal gains of the Pittsburgh summit.
