The 19 case studies presented in this report showcase good practice in addressing the challenges of climate change.

Group certification for organic farmers in the state ABOUT 6,000 farmers from 138 villages in Andhra Pradesh who practise organic farming can next year expect a premium price for their produce. Certification by the National Centre for Organic Farming in Ghaziabad will help them earn more. The Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (serp), under the state

Enabavi and Ramachandrapuram villages broke away from the pesticide-debt trap. They are now teaching other villages to become debt free and self-reliant A board with bold letters announces the chemical free and GM free status of Enabavi village in Warangal district. The village stopped using pesticides 10 years ago and adopted organic farming five years later, much before the state

Enabavi, a village of 52 families, is abuzz. It is hosting farmers from the nearby Kallem village who have come here for tips on profitable agriculture. Those who missed the excitement of the Green Revolution in the 1960s can get a glimpse

Field trials were conducted for the validation of integrated pest management (IPM) package for the castor and pigeonpea intercropping system in rainfed agro-ecosystem for the state of Andhra Pradesh, India during 2002 and 2003 seasons.

Wider area validation and economic analysis of adaptable IPM technology in egg plant Solanum melongena L. in a farmers' participatory approach was carried out in adopted villages Raispur and Harsawan, Ghaziabad District, UP during 2003-04, 2004-05 and 2005-06 in an area of 30 acres covering 30 farming families.

Cotton hybrids expressing various endotoxins of B. thruringiensis, per se fitting into genetic or host-plant resistance and biological tools of integrated pest management (IPM) have given a new dimension and impetus to the IPM philosophy that aims to reduce the massive reliance on insecticides for pest management on the conventional or non-Bt cotton.

Cotton-wheat is a long established crop production system of north-western plains of India and Pakistan, and it occupies an important place in the agricultural economy of both these countries. While cotton is a cash crop, wheat provides the necessary food security. Accordingly, this crop rotation has brought rich dividends to the farmers.

Given the importance of the agriculture sector in the Indian economy in terms of its contribution to the GDP (18.5%), employment (58%) and the fact that it constitutes the backbone of the rural livelihood security system, the Union Government supplements and complements the efforts being made by the State Governments to promote agricultural production and productivity through technical and financi

Cotton, as a commercial crop has gone through subsistence, ecological, exploitation, crisis and disaster phases of pest management, with insecticides on focus at the later three stages. Restructuring of pest-management strategies during the last few decades under the banner of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) or Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM)continued to give considerable and selective preference respectively, to the insecticides. Such an approach could only achieve the short-term benefits of reducing the pesticide usage and improving the profit accrued by the farmers.
