Report of the task force to look into problems of hill states and hill areas and to suggest ways to ensure that these states and areas do not
suffer in any way because of their peculiarities.

This new ICAR study finds that the degraded and wastelands in the country cover 120.4 M ha. It provides a new dimension for their rehabilitation and implementation of developmental plans can be streamlined using this study.


An Act to provide for the establishment, administration and management of a system of conclusive property titles with title guarantee and indemnification against losses due to inaccuracies in property titles, through registration of immovable properties and further to amend the relevant Acts as stated in the Schedule and matters connected therew

This edition of the Convention on Biological Diversity

Noting that the Department of Land Resources under the Union Rural Development Ministry has not been getting required funds during the 11th Plan period (2007-2012), a Parliamentary Standing Committee has urged the Planning Commission to allocate the requisite funds for better execution of the Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) and National Land Records Modernisation Programme (NLRMP)

This document is the result of an intensive work of dialogue between the ILC Secretariat and the ILC constituency, especially civil society organisations from Africa, Asia and Latin America. The ILC Secretariat - including the three regional nodes - has facilitated the process, collected contributions, packaged information, and produced the synthesis.

This document is a collection of case studies and articles that address how relationships between humans and nature function in socio-ecological production landscapes around the world. The examples highlight the various physical structures, management

Arguably sound land governance is the key to achieving sustainable development and to supporting the global agenda

Current policies on upland agriculture need reviewing in light of recent research that shows that slash-and-burn farming systems are not only more sustainable than other systems but could also play a better role in sustaining downstream hydropower and river delta rice-bowls.

