Recent studies indicate that greenhouse gas emission inventories are likely missing methane emission sources. We conducted the first methane emission measurements from abandoned oil and gas wells and found substantial emissions, particularly from high-emitting abandoned wells. These emissions are not currently considered in any emissions inventory. We scaled methane emissions from our direct measurements of abandoned wells in Pennsylvania and calculate that they represent 4–7% of current total anthropogenic methane emissions in Pennsylvania.

Assessing potential climate effects of natural gas versus coal electricity generation is complicated by the large number of factors reported in life cycle assessment studies, compounded by the large number of proposed climate metrics. Thus, there is a need to identify the key factors affecting the climate effects of natural gas versus coal electricity production, and to present these climate effects in as clear and transparent a way as possible.

The World Bank Sunday warned extreme weather will become the "new climate normal," increasing the risk of world instability.

Setting stringent targets for emission cuts for the world, a UN body wants countries across the globe to collectively cut carbon emission to zero (achieve carbon neutrality) by 2070 and bring down

Improve air quality and mitigate climate-change simultaneously, urge Julia Schmale and colleagues.

Rising temperatures because of increased emissions of long-lived greenhouse gases (LLGHGs) have had and will continue to have significant negative impacts on crop yields. However, other climate changes caused by short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) are also significant for agricultural productivity. The SLCPs black carbon and ozone impact temperature, precipitation, radiation, and—in the case of ozone—are directly toxic to plants.

Global climate and the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) are correlated over recent glacial cycles. The combination of processes responsible for a rise in atmospheric CO2 at the last glacial termination1, 3 (23,000 to 9,000 years ago), however, remains uncertain. Establishing the timing and rate of CO2 changes in the past provides critical insight into the mechanisms that influence the carbon cycle and helps put present and future anthropogenic emissions in context.

Pressure is growing on regulators in California and Washington, D.C., to crack down on methane, a greenhouse gas that's 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide and is accelerating the warming of t

The Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (Zera) is working on securing Private Public Partnerships (PPPs) for Mutare and Masvingo city council to enable them to start exploiting methane gas as an a
