Bacterial microbes emitting methane, coupled with effluents containing traces of petroleum, are the culprits behind the froth and the recent fire in Belandur lake, a study by the Department of Envi

North American energy ministers said on Monday they had set up a working group on climate change and energy, a partnership designed to help Canada, the United States and Mexico harmonize policies.

Last month was within 0.01 degrees of being the equal warmest April in records going back to 1891, adding to the hot start to 2015, the Japan Meteorological Agency says.

Arctic permafrost soils store large amounts of soil organic carbon (SOC) that could be released into the atmosphere as methane (CH4) in a future warmer climate. How warming affects the complex microbial network decomposing SOC is not understood. The researchers studied CH4 production of Arctic peat soil microbiota in anoxic microcosms over a temperature gradient from 1 to 30 °C, combining metatranscriptomic, metagenomic, and targeted metabolic profiling.

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The European Union has offered $972,000 (Shs 2.9bn) to incentivize the private sector to fight climate change effects, including unreliable weather patterns, droughts and floods.

Continuing high consumption of livestock products in nearly all developed countries, and increasing demand for livestock-based foods in large transition economies, are creating serious problems of prolonged and persistent environmental and social degradation. These problems are further exacerbated and affected by climate change and risks, biodiversity loss, water stress, and water pollution.

Oil and gas development, though it has met our demanding energy needs, also transforms landscapes, impacting both the environment and wildlife, new research says.

Strong ocean currents promote the release of the potent greenhouse gas methane in the Arctic, according to new research, shedding light on how they may contribute to climate change.

The world’s fight against global warming would be dramatically easier if a cheap technology was available to turn carbon dioxide into something useful.

Guide to INDCs - provides practical guidance to Least Developed Countries on how to prepare their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions for the UNFCCC. INDCs are contributions by the Parties to the UNFCCC towards achieving the ultimate objective of the Convention: to prevent dangerous human interference with the Earth’s climate.
