the next time you go shopping for toys for your tiny tots, take care to be judicious. A recent study carried out by the ngo Toxics Link in the Indian metros of Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai, has

Construction waste recycled to make bricks and pavers

the Rs 5,745-crore Mumbai Urban Transport Project's second phase (mutp-ii) for a suburban railway is facing a roadblock because the Union ministry of railways and the Maharashtra government disagree

Just imagine

"The Constitution guarantees the right to life and to personal liberty. The values which underlie Article 21 of the Constitution are seriously eroded by deaths on such a systemic scale, as the facts before the court in relation to the State of Maharashtra demonstrate... .

after the monsoon deluge, Mumbai has witnessed an outbreak of diseases such as malaria, dengue and leptospirosis, taking the death toll to 68 on August 2. The pace at which people are dying is

Centre for Science and Environment's latest findings on pesticides in soft drinks (see

The World Bank recently lifted its suspension of finances for the Mumbai Urban Transport Project, an ambitious road and rail renewal plan to improve public transport in the city. On March 1, 2006,

a water purification device developed by scientists at the Mumbai-based Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (barc) could provide safe drinking water at a low cost even in remote, non-electrified parts of the country.

Capable of producing up to 20 litres of potable water every day, the device requires sunlight and a cheap, abundantly available material

