A former senior environmental agency official strongly denied allegations that the Environmental Protection Agency (epa) had given false information about the air and water quality near the World

Five years air monitoring study was carried out to assess the primary air pollutants present in the ambient air in Chennai city during 1999-2003 at two different sampling stations.

Particulate matter less than PM10 and aromatic chemicals formed during incomplete combustion of organic matter are major environmental pollutants because of their toxic potential.

chinese cities will join the growing band of urban centres around the world to observe


traffic fumes decrease lung function among children and make the organs vulnerable to irreversible long-term damage, a new study has found. The study published in The Lancet (Vol 369) links local

using bio-fuel for cooking could lead to cardiovascular diseases and cancer, says a research team from Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute, Kolkata. The team found that biomass smoke causes the

a recent report on the ambient air quality around Chennai's Kodungaiyar waste dumpsite has sent out a strong health warning to over 100,000 residents living in its vicinity. Everyday, the Corporation

despite petrol's benzene content being lowered from 3 per cent to 1 per cent in 2000-2001, there has been no significant effect on the current ambient levels of this carcinogenic chemical.

• China has successfully launched its second geostationary orbit meteorological satellite, Fengyun-2D (FY-2D), to provide better weather forecasting services for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.
