Judgement of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Pandalaneni Srimannarayana & Others Vs State of Andhra Pradesh & Others dated 17/11/2017 regarding formation of a Green Field New Capital namely Amravati as it poses a serious threat to the environment.

Judgement of the National Green Tribunal (Eastern Zone Bench, Kolkata) in the matter of Sarbeswar Boruah Vs State of Assam & Others dated 13/11/2017 regarding the decision of the Central Government and the Government of Assam to establish AIIMS at the Jalah Beel in North Guwahati in preference to Raha village in Nagaon district of Assam.

Objective of the project is to create a database on water bodies in Bengaluru Metropolitan Area (Jurisdiction of BBMP and BDA) by identifying the water bodies through physical verification; assessing the water quality class, based on the water quality analysis; to prepare the water body database and to prepare the lake atlas with manual cartogra

As is true in many regions, India experiences surface Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect that is well understood, but the causes of the more recently discovered Urban Cool Island (UCI) effect remain poorly constrained. This raises questions about our fundamental understanding of the drivers of rural-urban environmental gradients and hinders development of effective strategies for mitigation and adaptation to projected heat stress increases in rapidly urbanizing India. Here we show that more than 60% of Indian urban areas are observed to experience a day-time UCI.

This landmark study published in Lancer finds that toxic air, water, soils and workplaces kill at least 9 millon people and cost trillions of dollars every year. Pollution kills more people in India than anywhere else in the world revealed the study.

We describe the diversified National Ambient Noise Monitoring Network (NANMN) set up across 7 major cities of India and covering 70 stations for continuous noise monitoring throughout the year. The annual average Lday (06–22 h) and Lnight (22–06 h) values observed in 2015 for these 70 locations are described. Of these, 25 locations are in commercial zones, 12 in industrial, 16 in residential and 17 in silence zones. Each city has 10 noise monitoring stations installed for analysing environmental noise pollution levels round the clock (24  365 h).

Judgement of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Omesh Saigal Vs Government of NCT of Delhi & Others dated 04/10/2017 regarding noise pollution because of vehicles affecting the health of residents of Panchshila Park Area, Delhi.

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Central Zonal Bench, Bhopal) in the matter of Jagdish Prasad & Others vs. State of Rajasthan & Others dated 11/09/2017 regarding acquiring of agricultural land (124.68 hectares) in village Keshaopura, Abhaypura and Bhankrota at Ajmer Road Tehsil Sanganer, District Jaipur for the purposes of urbanisation. It is alleged that the area in question had more than 13000 trees out of which 5000 green trees have already been cut without due permission from the tree officer.

The ancient destructive capability of earthquake faults is well chronicled by historians and their cultural impact widely uncovered by archaeologists. Archaeological and geological investigations at some of the most renowned sites in the ancient Greece world, however, suggest a more nuanced and intimate relationship between seismic faults and past human settlements.

The urban heat island effect (UHI) for inner land regions was investigated using satellite data, ground observations, and simulations with an Single-Layer Urban Canopy Parameterization (SLUCP) coupled into the regional Weather Research Forecasting model (WRF, http://wrf-model.org/index.php). Specifically, using the satellite-observed surface skin temperatures (Tskin), the intensity of the UHI was first compared for two inland cities (Xi’an City, China, and Oklahoma City (OKC)), which have different city populations and building densities.
