I read newspapers and I watch the news unfold on scores of television channels. But in spite of these sources that keep me informed about current affairs, I would not know that floods are still

A cholera outbreak has ravaged Orissa's tribal-dominated Kalahandi, Koraput and Rayagada districts since early August. The state government says the region has reported 119 deaths so far. About

The floods in South Asia, which was one of the worst in recent times, have claimed hundreds of lives. By the second week of August, the floods had affected more than 20 million people and claimed

Water contamination led to the resignation of two ministers in Jordan following pressure from media and opposition parties. Jordan's water minister Mohammad al-Alem and health minister Saad

Globally, about 25 per cent of diseases are caused by environmental exposures, causing 13 million deaths yearly About 33 per cent of the diseases in children under age five are also caused the

A rural area of western Rajasthan was surveyed for diarrhoeal disease. The objective of this study was to carry out analysis of domestic water use and environmental health.

The relationship between climate change and cities is complex. City-based activities contribute significant amounts of greenhouse gases and, simultaneously, are often more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Dhaka is now the world's eighth largest city and a significant proportion of Bangladesh's greenhouse gases are generated there although, relative to total emissions worldwide, the contribution is negligible.

Water-related disasters include flood, windstorms, drought, water epidemics, famine and landslides. These combine with other water-related hazards such as pollution and chemical spills, aquifer

In the early 1980s, K. C. Saha from the School of Tropical Medicine in Kolkata attributed skin lesions in West Bengal, India, to exposure to arsenic in groundwater pumped from shallow tube wells. Despite these findings, millions of tube wells have been
installed across the Bengal Basin, the geological formation that includes West Bengal and Bangladesh, and across river floodplains and deltas in southern Asia.

• South Korean scientist Hwang Woo-suk, who is standing trial on charges of fraud and embezzlement for his team's research on stem cells, has resumed work on animal cloning. He has opened a
