The present work is mainly focused on the Geotechnical properties of the areas in Gandhinagar district. The recent growth which is associated with urbanization in Gandhinagar -Ahmedabad Township calls for appropriate geotechnical investigations of soils of the area. Representative soil samples were collected from the Sabarmati River bed near Gandhinagar area and were investigated as per Indian standard for their index properties with a view to classifying for their use in infrastructural development.

Moringa oleifera is a small or medium sized tree found in almost every part of India. It is used as a food material, cosmetic, medicinal plant and almost every part of this plant can be used. It was an important medicinal plant in traditional method of treatment. It has several medicinal properties like Anti Oxidant, Anti Microbial, Anti Cancer, Anti Diabetic, Hepatoprotective, Anti Inflammatory, Anti Pyretic, Analgesic activity, Hypocholesterolemic effect, Cardio protective property, Anti Asthmatic, Water Purification properties.

Every day, rivers streams and their tributaries passing through cities are receiving large amount of contaminants released from different point and nonpoint sources and have become important sink for unused waste load. Water is indispensable to life on earth. It is a precious gift of nature which is essential for the survival of plants, animals and human beings. Present investigations were carried out on the limnological aspects of Bagad river of U.P. Many of the parameters were found below the permissible limits for drinking water as suggested by WHO.

1044 women of child-bearing age from 25 countries participated in the study. 42% of them had mercury levels greater than 1 ppm — the level that approximately corresponds to the US EPA reference dose.* 55% of the women had mercury levels greater than 0.58 ppm mercury, a more recent, science-based threshold based on data indicating harmful effects at lower levels of exposure. Mercury is a health threat to women and the developing fetus.

Natural environments, including green spaces, may have beneficial impacts on brain development. However, longitudinal evidence of an association between long-term exposure to green spaces and cognitive development (including attention) in children is limited. The researchers evaluated the association between lifelong residential exposure to green space and attention during preschool and early primary school years.

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Timing of weed emergence and seed persistence in the soil influence the ability to implement timely and effective control practices. Emergence patterns and seed persistence of kochia populations were monitored in 2010 and 2011 at sites in Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, and South Dakota. Weekly observations of emergence were initiated in March and continued until no new emergence occurred. Seed was harvested from each site, placed into 100-seed mesh packets, and buried at depths of 0, 2.5, and 10 cm in fall of 2010 and 2011. Packets were exhumed at 6-mo intervals over 2 yr.

A severe late spring storm in central Mexico in March 2016 that struck the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve was unique because it was accompanied by high-velocity winds that eliminated the normal thermal protection provided by the Oyamel fir forest. Temperatures throughout the forest merged with the colder open-area ambient temperatures. The storm was in effect a rain and snow storm sandwiched within a powerful and sustained wind storm, followed by lethal freezing that killed 31–38% of the butterflies in the Sierra Chincua and Cerro Pelón overwintering colonies.

Changing climates are outpacing some components of our food systems. Risk assessments need to account for these rates of change. Assessing risk transmission mechanisms across sectors and international boundaries and coordinating policies across governments are key steps in addressing this challenge.

The relationship between macronutrients and cardiovascular disease and mortality is controversial. Most available data are from European and North American populations where nutrition excess is more likely, so their applicability to other populations is unclear.

We evaluate the Community Atmosphere Model Version 5 (CAM5) with a higher-order turbulence closure scheme, named Cloud Layers Unified By Binomials (CLUBB), and a Multiscale Modeling Framework, referred as the “super-parameterization” (SP) with two different microphysics configurations to investigate their influences on rainfall simulations over Southern Amazonia. The two different microphysics configurations in SP are the one-moment cloud microphysics without aerosol treatment (SP1) and two-moment cloud microphysics coupled with aerosol treatment (SP2).
