This is the draft formula to determine the quantum of compensation in case of clinical trial related injury (other than death) prepared by the committee under leadership of R K Jain.

This new report published by U.S. Global Change Research Program assesses the science of climate change and its impacts across the United States, now and throughout this century. It says that climate change is already having significant financial, ecological and human health impacts across the US.

Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 5 Target 5A calls for the reduction of maternal mortality ratio by three quarters between 1990 and 2015. It has been a challenge to assess the extent of progress due to the lack of reliable and accurate maternal mortality data – particularly in developing-country settings where maternal mortality is high.

This report prepared by consultancy firm Accenture on behalf of the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion showcases the Gujarat model of land acquisition as the best practice, which can be emulated by other states with some modifications, to improve the business environment. It also talks about best practices in Gujarat on implementation of e-governance in pollution and single window clearance mechanism in the states of Rajasthan and Punjab.

The American Lung Association’s annual “State of the Air” report finds half of Americans still live in counties where ozone or particle pollutions levels make the air unhealthy to breathe.

The free stand-alone software ADePT-FSM is a very useful tool that has been developed to facilitate food consumption data processing and generate statistics at national and subnational levels.

The EEA has collected EU Member States' data on passenger car registrations, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 443/2009. All Member States reported information on Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and the mass of cars, together with other vehicle characteristics.

The first global report by WHO on antimicrobial resistance finds that the problem is no longer just a serious prediction for the future, but is happening now.

A project launched in the Far-Western region of Nepal, to provide clean and energy efficient cooking stoves to 150,000 households has become the country’s first of its kind as part of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) scheme. Read more in this April 2014 edition of the Monthly Overview on State of Environment, Nepal

Thoriq Ibrahim, Maldives Minister of Environment and Energy hailed the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) entitled ‘Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change’ and stated that this report confirmed that with rapid actions, technological means and behavioral changes it is still possible to avert the impending catastrophe. Read more in this April 2014 edition of the Monthly Overview on State of Environment, Maldives
