Brazil's success in reducing deforestation in the world's largest rainforest has been much heralded, but progress may stall unless farmers, ranchers and other land users in the region are provided

Scientists from Cardiff University have found that Britain's urban rivers are the cleanest they've been in over two decades.

The European Union's greenhouse gas emissions have fallen by 19.2% compared to 1990s levels, according to the European Environment Agency.

Climate change may be taking a hidden toll on intact rainforests in the heart of the Amazon, finds a new study based on 35 years of observations.

Researchers unraveling the complexities of the West African monsoon say they are set to bring major agricultural and health benefits to people in the region — despite setbacks caused by terrorist t

Solar and wind continue to dominate investment in new renewable capacity. Global use of solar and wind energy grew significantly in 2012.

Some 1.2 billion people—almost a fifth of the world—live in areas of physical water scarcity, while another 1.6 billion face what can be called economic water shortage.

The air quality in downtown Cairo is more than 10 to 100 times of acceptable world standards.

More research is needed to understand how ecosystems can help reduce disaster risks around the world, according to a report launched in Brussels, Belgium, today.

Plans for large commercial-scale wind farms have been on the table for years, but constantly held up by environmental permitting issues, financing concerns, or local objections based on aesthetics.
