The document proposes elements of a new world food security governance structure and addresses agriculture mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

This document provides an overview of the main kinds of agricultural biotechnologies that have been used in the crop, forestry, livestock, fishery and agro-industry sectors in developing countries in the past and that were covered in a e-mail conference which runned from 8 June to 5 July 2009.

In this background paper, FAO calls for bolds action to address food security crisis. Explains the causes underlying today's food security crisis, the scope of the problem, the prospects for the longer term

Global poverty has fallen dramatically over the last two centuries, and the fall has intensified in recent decades, raising hopes that it could be eliminated within the next 50 years.

This paper sketches out the possible evolution of world food and agriculture to 2050 in terms of the key variables (production and consumption of the main commodity groups and the implications for food and nutrition in the developing countries).

Traditional farming, fishing, pastoralism/herding, foraging and forestry are based on longestablished knowledge and practices that help to ensure food and agricultural diversity, valuable landscape and seascape features, livelihoods and food security.

High food insecurity persists in Zimbabwe in spite of improvements in agricultural production and a more liberal import policy this year, according to a report issued by FAO and the World Food Programme (WFP).

Climate change impacts such as more frequent and severe floods and droughts will affect the food and water security of many people. The impact of climate change on aquatic ecosystems, fisheries and aquaculture, however, is not as well known.

Food Outlook provides information on latest developments in agricultural markets and sets the global and regional commodity production, utilization, trade and price context for food security.

The Code of practice for fish and fishery products is intended for all those engaged in the handling, production, storage, distribution, export, import and sale of fish and fishery products. The Code will help in attaining safe and wholesome products that can be sold on national or international markets and meet the requirements of the Codex Standards.
