The focus over the years in many African countries has been large-scale hydropower schemes. Recent studies have shown that electricity generation through small hydropower (SHP) is gaining owing to its short gestation period, low investment and least environmental impacts.

The paper begins with a detailed analysis of the various elements of food security, then it describes the various policy and programme restructurings and interventions to meet the challenges and constraints encounted and highlights the ongoing and additional efforts needed for achieving the Millennium Development Goals.

The first part of this publication examines hunger and poverty in the region, changes in dietary patterns, agricultural commodity trends, and the outlook for the future, including the major challenges that need to be addressed. The second part

This submission highlights ways in which the potential of agricultural mitigation in general, and from smallholder agriculture in particular, may be realized under a future global climate change agreement.

This publication brings together the background paper and summary report from a moderated e-mail conference that was organised by FAO as one of its initiatives to mark World Water Day 2007, whose theme was "Coping with water scarcity".

Until recently, most assessments of the impact of climate change on the food and agriculture sector have focused on the implications for production and global supply of food, with less
consideration of other components of the food chain. This paper takes a broader view and explores the multiple effects that global warming and climate change could have on food

Cereals are by far the most important source of food throughout the world, either directly for human consumption or indirectly in the form of animal feed for livestock products consumed as food. With world population set to rise to nine billion by 2050, there is an urgent need to examine ways to increase cereal production.

This document analyzes the implications for land tenure and land policy of climate change.

This paper describes the principal activities of food supply and distribution systems and suggests planning criteria for managing the physical and spatial dimensions of the city in order to improve the quantity, quality, variety and safety of food, and to help low-income urban populations to access it.

This document presents the results of a partnership between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme and the University of the South Pacific. It presents the issues and requirements that Pacific islands face regarding the impacts of climate change on food sources and water.
