The objectives of the regional E-discussion on climate change and poverty: Collect and summarize the expert opinions on climate

The need to enable and promote access to innovative energy technologies that address both poverty reduction and climate change needs is both urgent and timely.

This guidance note has been prepared in response to the growing demand for guidelines to support the work of human development report teams and partners in integrating human development analysis and advocacy into more equitable, sustainable and climateresilient development planning and policy debates.

This UNDP-WHO joint report draws attention to the global energy access situation and highlights that three billion people still rely on traditional biomass and coal, with a striking two million deaths per year associated with indoor burning of these solid fuels in unventilated kitchens.

Almost two billion people need modern energy services by 2015 to accelerate MDGs achievement.

Migration, both within and beyond borders, has become an increasingly prominent theme in domestic and international debates, and is the topic of the 2009 Human Development Report (HDR09). The starting point is that the global distribution of capabilities is extraordinarily unequal, and that this is a major driver for movement of people.

This revised version of the handbook is intended to provide specific guidance in the preparation of national TNAs (Technology Needs Assessment). It is divided into three main parts: Part I addresses organizational matters related to the preparation of a TNA. It outlines how to get ready for and organize a TNA and provides an overview of the various

This Guide is intended to respond to an increasing demand from UNDP Country Offices and a wide range of national stakeholders for guidance on the multiplicity of tools and methods that are being used to measure, assess and monitor governance at the local level.

This Guide has three main objectives: to provide information
to all those interested in CDM project activities; to detail the
specific regulations governing the submission of CDM project
activities in Brazil; and to facilitate an understanding of the
process and, consequently, promote the development of CDM

The publication seeks to advance the integration of climate change into development work, arguing that the full engagement of sub-national authorities is important to move the climate change and development agendas forward.

This UNDP guide focuses on including women
