This publication reviews changes in global forest cover and root causes of forest loss, including weak forest governance particularly in public-owned forests. It also highlights innovative practices in conserving forests and securing livelihoods of forest-dependent communities.

This report contains ideas and proposals on the elements
contained in paragraph 1 of the Bali Action Plan, focusing
on technology. It was originally submitted by UNEP to the
UNFCCC in December 2008 as an input to the deliberations

This issues paper firstly analyzes the vicious spiral between climate change impacts, ecosystem degradation and increased risk of climate-related disasters; secondly, defines the central role of ecosystem management in climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction and their multifaceted linkages; and thirdly, assesses the challenges for enhanced ecosystem management for climate change adap

Renewable sources accounted for 56 percent of investment dollars, worth $140 billion, while investment in fossil fuel technologies was $110 billion according to this new UN report. It highlights how investment in developing countries in 2008 had surged forward by 27 percent to $36.6 billion, and now accounted for nearly one third of global investments.

The river basins of South East Asia have been the subject of a
number of studies shedding light on the complexity of their
natural, political, social and economic issues. Although the
diversity of these studies and reports serves as a knowledge
base for the basins, one can rarely find a study that provides a
holistic view of the water-related vulnerabilities in the basins.

Marine litter is a global concern affecting all the oceans of the world. It poses environmental, economic, health and aesthetic problems that are rooted in poor solid waste management practices, lack of infrastructure, indiscriminate human activities and behaviours and an inadequate understanding on the part of the public of the potential consequences of their actions.

This latest UNEP report systematically synthesises the close links between human well-being and ecosystem services through a number of rainwater harvesting cases. The cases are organised into thematic chapters addressing rainwater harvesting systems, their roles and their impacts.

This guide, while it aims to present the substance and the
sense of the IPCC

This policy brief calls for investment of 1% of global GDP in energy efficiency of buildings, renewable energy, sustainable transport, ecological infrastructure and sustainable agriculture.According to this, investing about US$750 billion of stimulus monies in the green economy could aid recovery from the economic downturn, create jobs, address poverty, promote achievement of MDG and fight climate

This document represents the collective expertise of a diverse group of individuals concerned with ecosystem degradation, and the continuing loss of the services provided by these ecosystems. Attention is given to aquatic ecosystems because of water`s fundamental role as the `blood` of ecosystem structure and functions, and an engine of economic production.
