Researchers investigated peste des petits ruminants (PPR) infection in cattle and wildlife in northern Tanzania. No wildlife from protected ecosystems were seropositive. However, cattle from villages where an outbreak had occurred among small ruminants showed high PPR seropositivity, indicating that spillover infection affects cattle. Thus, cattle could be of value for PPR serosurveillance.

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The Multi-stakeholder Policy Formulation and Action Planning approach was applied in the context of a multi-city study to influence and/or change policies that govern urban agriculture practices in three African and two Asian countries.

Bangladesh-based non-government organisation BRAC has been selected for a $ 1.0 million worth global award for replicating one of its health projects for slum dwellers in Africa.

By all accounts, no dramatic developments are to be expected from the 19th edition of the Conference of Parties (COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that star

Tiny island states that speck the vast swathe of the Pacific Ocean have a far greater importance in understanding global climate change than their tiny populations would suggest.

This meta-synthesis of national climate change adaptation plans, policies and processes spans twelve countries at various stages of adaptation planning and implementation, in three priority CCAFS regions: West Africa (Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali, Niger, Sénegal), East Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda) and South Asia (Bangladesh, India, Ne

This meta-synthesis of national climate change adaptation plans, policies and processes spans twelve countries at various stages of adaptation planning and implementation, in three priority CCAFS regions: West Africa (Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali, Niger, Sénegal), East Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda) and South Asia (Bangladesh, India, Ne

This new scientific report released by World Bank shows that moving rapidly to reduce pollutants such as methane and black carbon, could slow warming in critical snow and ice-covered regions while benefitting human welfare.

Past and present levels of greenhouse gas emissions have locked unavoidable climate change effects into the climate system for decades to come.

India is among the "extreme risk" countries of the world where economic impacts of climate change will be most keenly felt by 2025, according to Climate Change and Environmental Risk Atlas 2014 published by Maplecroft.
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