The present study aimed to get an idea of the effect of fertilizer, pesticides, irrigation and HYV area and their role in increasing the foodgrain productivity in West Bengal. In this study various models are used to identify the relationship between yield and each modern input.

Kunapajala, an Ayurvedic plant growth promoter, has been mentioned in Vrikshayurveda to promote flowering, fruiting and vegetative growth of plants. Kunapajala was prepared in laboratory according to the standard procedure as available in the literature. To demonstrate the effect of Kunapajala, Senna was grown in Dhanvantari Garden of Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar in September 2001. (Sep 2007)

The study examines the performance and returns to Bt cotton vs Non-Bt cotton in the state of Maharashtra. The study has been undertaken at the request of Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India.

Agriculture is the key sector in India's economy, which has not been subject to the economic reforms. The continuous decline in the growth of output in agriculture sector, has recently invited attention of the government which has come out with a plan for development. Agricultural development is an essential condition of economic growth for the developing countries like India.

Agricultural diversification has been a well established traditional farming strategy adopted individually or collectively by Indian farmer or farming communities since time immemorial to minimize risk associated with specialized production system and to ensure household food security. The state of Chhattisgarh has launched a massive crop diversification programme to support double cropping, facilitate shift in cropping pattern towards cash crops and support development of non-farm allied services.

there has been a long-standing debate on whether organic agriculture can ensure global food security. Even some advocates of organic are not sure about this. A recent study claims organic farming

The importance of agriculture in the development strategies of Indian economy continues to remain paramount. This paper assesses the Eleventh Five Year Plan vision and evaluates the recent performance of subdued production response to those very inputs that had been instrumental in triggering the green revolution in the past, with particular reference to ferilizers.

Agriculture and food systems play an important role in fossil fuel consumption and climate change because of their significant energy use and because of agriculture

There was a time when it was said that the Indian budget was a gamble on the monsoons.

for 18 years now, scientists have discussed the reasons for the global decimation of amphibian populations. The cause list has been expanding
