In yet another demonstration of the inter-connectedness of the planetary ecosystem, a study has shown that large-scale deforestation in the temperate and high latitudes can drastically affect rainf
A new generation of an Earth system model now includes a number of land-surface processes directly relevant to analyzing potential impacts of climate change. This
Motion to create national GM contamination insurance scheme comes after farmer Steve Marsh claims he lost organic certification after GM canola drifted on to his land
Logging in the state forests has cost NSW more than $43 million over the past three years - money that would be better spent promoting tourism in the regions, according to the Greens.
Carbon emissions from the country's main electricity network continue to rise, undermining the Abbott government's efforts to curb the global warming pollutants, according to sustainable infrastruc
Australia's weather bureau said on Tuesday the chance of an El Nino developing this year had risen to about 50 percent after signs of renewed warming in tropical Pacific Ocean.
Large-scale deforestation could cause monsoon rains to shift south, cutting rainfall in India by nearly a fifth warns this new study by Indian Institute of Science published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)