Liberia's largest palm oil company, Golden Veroleum, needs to review its social and environmental policies after its workers damaged graves, cleared existing crops and polluted creeks, according to

EU politicians backed a compromise on Tuesday that would give carmakers limited leeway in the race to cut CO2 emissions in line with targets while rejecting German calls for more lenient rules.

Greener cars that use alternative fuels could help the United States slash its greenhouse gas emissions from everyday driving a full 80 per cent by 2050, according to a scientific study out today.

Greener cars that use alternative fuels could help the United States slash its greenhouse gas emissions from everyday driving a full 80 per cent by 2050, according to a scientific study out today.

That could lead to a more than 10 per cent cut in overall US pollution into the atmosphere, with consumer-driven cars and small trucks currently responsible for 17 per cent of the nation's greenhouse gas emissions, said the study.

The potential for regional climate change arising from adoption of policies to increase production of biofuel feedstock is explored using a regional climate model. Two simulations are performed using the same atmospheric forcing data for the period 1979–2004, one with present-day land use and monthly phenology and the other with land use specified from an agro-economic prediction of energy crop distribution and monthly phenology consistent with this land use change.

The felling of natural forest for palm oil plantations has enraged campaigners looking to protect orangutans

Businesses and environmentalists remain deeply divided over California's landmark carbon cap-and-trade program, with industry calling it a job-killing nightmare and clean energy proponents saying i

Aviation pollution can only be stabilized by the middle of the century if a price is set on airline carbon emissions, research said, countering industry hopes that green goals can be met via techno

The global emergence of biofuels over the last two decades has been met with increased concerns over climate change and sustainable development. This report addresses the core issue of biofuel sustainability and related feedstocks,

Corn ethanol would get a larger share of the U.S.
