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Black carbon (BC) aerosols impact climate and air quality. Since BC from fossil versus biomass combustion have different optical properties and different abilities to penetrate the lungs, it is important to better understand their relative contributions in strongly affected regions such as South Asia.

This study presents the characteristics of aerosol black carbon (BC) from a rural continental site, Agartala, located in the North-Eastern part of India using two year measurements from September 2010 to September 2012. Diurnal and seasonal variations are examined in relation to the unique geographical location, changeable meteorological conditions and distinct source characteristics. Winter season is characterized by extremely high BC concentration (17.8 ± 9.2 µg/m3) comparable

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Principal Bench, New Delhi) in the matter of Court on its own Motion Vs. State of Himachal Pradesh & Ors. dated 29/05/2015 regarding ban on ban on diesel and petrol vehicle in Manali and Rohtang Pass area of Himachal Pradesh.

Rapid implementation of measures to reduce black carbon in a range of sectors would deliver multiple benefits and near term results in health, climate and other areas

Reducing black carbon emissions could prevent millions of premature deaths annually and play an important role in the global fight against climate change. Yet despite these benefits, an array of black carbon abatement measures that are technically within reach have not yet been financed and deployed to their full potential.

Climate change, we can emphatically say, is a wicked problem

This is a real-life story of three wicked problems, one opportunity - and a new way to confront global challenges.

Black carbon is the second largest contributor to human-induced climate warming, after carbon dioxide. International shipping is a major source of diesel black carbon emissions and not yet subject to international regulation.

The bad news is that diesel usage in vehicles will continue to grow across the world — including India.

Sudden showers in the afternoon may bring relief but it also increases the concentration of black carbon (BC) in the city.

Presentation by Kirk R. Smith, University of California-Berkeley and Nicholas Lam, University of Illinois-Urbana at the Anil Agarwal Dialogue 2015: Poor in climate change, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, March 11 – 12, 2015.
