In a shocking revelation, Delhi-based research group Centre for Science and Environment has found in its study that most the bread brands and food items sold by popular fast-food brands contains cancer causing chemicals.The reports said about 84% of 38 popular brands of breads, buns and burgers and pizzas were found to contain Potassium Bromate and Iodate that are known as cancer causing agents and are banned in most of the countries but not in India.“Use of chemical food additives is a common practice in packaged and processed foods. Not all of them are safe.

Is your love for red and processed meat getting you into trouble? The World Health Organisation seems to think so. It has released a report stating that consumption of red and processed meat is linked to cancer of the stomach, colon and pancreas. But is a renouncement of meat the answer? Nutritionists differ, claiming that not all meat proteins can be replicated by plant products. On Agenda, we debate an altered Hamlet dilemma - to eat or not to eat, that is the question!

19 Jan 2013

Fuel price reform is inevitable and necessary, but clean fuel and public transport agenda for health protection must not be derailed

15 Sep 2012

Not raising diesel prices would harm economy much more'

The Parliamentary committee report on

The Czech Republic

Pune Experts are of the opinion that sedentary lifestyle and environmental pollution also contribute to cancer

With 928 persons seeking radiation therapy at Ruby Hall centre in 2007 and 1258 in 2008, the number of cancer

Hyderabad, Nov. 8: Experts cite environmental pollution and presence of harmful chemicals for the spread of cancer.

PLANT SCIENCES Never too late Flowers are more resilient than they appear. They shoot up against all odds. The credit goes to genetic matter called microRNA that inhibit protein formation crucial to flowering in young plants. External cues like sunlight make them flower. But in the absence of cues, too, flowers do blossom; the activity of

Environment Minister Hameedullah Jan Afridi has said indiscriminate use of chemicals to achieve and maintain development tempo in agriculture, industry and urban settlements was damaging public health and natural resources of the country.
