The ever-increasing demand for power and its low generation calls for the use of energy saving devices. It is a good sign that India too is fast waking up to the need for use of energy-efficient lighting.

Current trends in energy supply and use are clearly unsustainable

Beijing Raises Doubts Over India

B. Muralidhar Reddy

COLOMBO: Sri Lanka and China on Monday signed an agreement on the second and third stages of the $891-million Norochcholai Coal Power 600 MW Project. Meanwhile, local media reported that the Jathika Hela Urmaya (JHU), a constituent of the ruling combine, had threatened to withdraw from the government if it implemented the 13th Amendment and gave police powers to provinces.

Badal valley in Uttarakhand has now become a demo valley for green energy----

The coming years are going to be quite difficult for the world if preventive measures are not taken to tap new and non-conventional sources for its energy requirements.

Sri Lanka

Energy capacity needs to be increased by 10,000 megawatts until 2015 and is hoping foreign investors can help it halt damaging power cuts, investment minister Waqar Ahmed Khan said on Friday. Waqar Ahmed Khan said Pakistan was looking at foreign firms to help it deal with its energy shortfall, which has seen regular blackouts that have prompted riots in Karachi.

A global shift toward nuclear power is prompting countries to rush to lock in long-term access to tight supplies of uranium, and China and India look to be the next players to get in on the action.

evolution First blood Palaeontologists dug up a dinosaur bone buried for 80 million years in Montana, usa. The find yielded blood and bone cells and collagen protein
