A global “gold rush” has led to a significant increase of deforestation in the tropical forests of South America.

This is according to new research publish today, 14 January, in IOP Publishing’s journal Environmental Research Letters, which has highlighted the growing environmental impact of gold mining in some of the most biologically diverse regions in the tropics.

Falling prices and rising debt are driving some Latin American leaders to relax legislation aimed at protecting the environment

More than 100 Colombian small farmers are taking on oil giant BP in the UK high court on Wednesday in one of the largest cases in environmental legal history.

Adapting to and mitigating climate change will affect most sectors of economies. Addressing this problem will require us to rethink future investment trajectories across the board. Many government agencies and institutions are involved, as well as businesses, civil society, local institutions and communities.

In decades of public debate about global warming, one assumption has been accepted by virtually all factions - that tackling it would necessarily be costly.

A spill that dumped billions of gallons of mining wastewater into creeks and lakes this week has led local officials in British Columbia to declare a state of emergency and raised concern for migra

The debate around the role that agriculture should play in mitigating climate change and sequestering greenhouse gases is politically complex and technically complicated.

Among the measures that were announced by President Juan Manuel Santos late on Thursday were drilling water wells, purchasing water trucks, subsidizing animal feed and offering financing to the agr

Colombia coal producer Cerrejon has slowed operations in the southern zone of its mine in order to keep particulate levels within legal limits amid a lack of rainfall, but said it still expected co

Colombia is looking to extend a decade-long oil expansion by improving Ecopetrol SA (ECOPETL)’s community relations and environmental permitting as shares of the state-run producer slump to a four-
