The international prices for major food commodities saw a modest decline in July, following five consecutive months of increases, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (

Latest forecasts indicate a 55-70 per cent chance of a La Niña developing towards the end of this year, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has said.

ROME (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Some 23 million farmers in drought-hit Southern Africa need urgent help to prepare for the next planting season with only a few weeks left before it begins, the

Each week, Lucia Thedzi and her five children go one or two days without eating. Some weeks, the family survives on nuts the size of golf balls but with meager flesh inside.

ENAIBOSHO, Kenya, July 26 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - On a cold afternoon, three women are gathering dry grass and feeding it into a hand-operated baling machine.

GENEVA, Switzerland - The United Nations has said in a press statement that it would be employing the use of a new Google-powered software to help fight climate change and other problems.

For design enthusiasts worried about forests being axed for furniture, this may come as a bit of a surprise: buying a table made of wood instead of metal or plastic could significantly help cut car

Agriculture is the biggest driver of deforestation globally fueled by a growing demand for food, yet it is possible to feed the world without cutting forests, the U.N.

Every year around one-third of worldwide food production is wasted or lost around the globe, entailing the simultaneous loss of all the resources - water, soil, agricultural inputs, feed - that wen

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced that, at least 2.4 million people in the northeast are under threat of short food supply.
