Only two African countries are fully prepared to face a global pandemic if one should break out.

CIVIL Society Environmental Fund from Finland has injected K1.3 million in the Moringa Plant Project which seeks to improve food security and nutrition in Mongu and Nalolo districts in Western Prov

This first global assessment of its kind report highlights how the poaching and illegal trade of thousands of species worldwide presents real environmental dangers and ultimately undermi

Finland may finally be the first country to actually ditch coal for good. The Finnish government appears to be considering banning the burning of coal energy by 2030.

Unless the world stops burning fossil fuels that are fuelling global warming, irreversible changes in the Arctic could have disastrous effects for the people that live there and for the rest of the

Prepares a presentation on the subject for Energy Minister Piyush Goyal during his visit

Through regional cooperation, the Nordic countries can achieve a near carbon-neutral energy system by 2050, while contributing to European decarbonisation through the export of clean electricity. This is the central message of Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016 published by the International Energy Agency and Nordic Energy Research.

Pope Francis addresses attendees in the opening ceremony to commence a plenary meeting of the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit 2015 at the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan, New

In at least one Scandinavian city, owning your own car may not be necessary a decade from now, thanks to the forward-looking plans of the government of Helsinki, Finland.

The human capital index measures countries' ability to nurture, develop and deploy talent for economic growth
